Powerful egyptian love spell that work

The ancient Egyptians possessed a rich and profound culture that included a deep understanding of magic and spirituality. Love and romance held a significant place in their society, and they developed various rituals and practices to enhance these aspects of life. One of the most intriguing facets of Egyptian magic is its use of charms and visualization to manifest love and strengthen romantic bonds. In this article, we will delve into the world of Egyptian love magic, explore the use of charms, and discuss the power of visualization in creating and enhancing love in your life. You can find more information about spells at https://magical-rituals.com

I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell

Ancient Egyptian Beliefs on Love and Magic

Love, attraction, and affection were highly valued in ancient Egyptian society. The concept of love extended beyond the physical realm and encompassed spiritual and cosmic dimensions. The ancient Egyptians believed that the universe was governed by a delicate balance of energies, and love was a force that played a vital role in maintaining that balance.

Magical practices were often intertwined with their daily lives. Love spells and charms were employed to influence the course of romantic relationships, encourage mutual affection, and bring about lasting partnerships. These practices often combined the use of amulets and the power of visualization.

Love Charms and Amulets in Egyptian Magic

  1. The Ankh: The ankh, a symbol resembling a cross with a loop at the top, was a potent charm associated with life and love. It was believed to connect the living with the divine, helping individuals manifest love and deepen their romantic connections. Egyptians often wore ankh-shaped amulets as a testament to their desire for love and enduring relationships.
  2. Eye of Horus (Wedjat): The Eye of Horus, or the Wedjat, was an amulet associated with protection and healing. It was also believed to have the power to ward off negative energies that could affect relationships. By wearing or carrying the Eye of Horus, the Egyptians sought to ensure their love remained strong and unharmed by external forces.
  3. Lotus Flower: The lotus flower represented purity and rebirth in Egyptian culture. It was often used as a symbol of new beginnings and the blossoming of love. Individuals would visualize themselves like a lotus flower, opening up to the world, attracting love, and nurturing their romantic relationships.
  4. Heart Amulets: Heart-shaped amulets were commonly worn to invoke the blessings of love. They symbolized affection, devotion, and the sharing of one’s heart with another. The Egyptians believed that wearing a heart amulet would draw love and maintain the unity of the heart.

Visualization in Egyptian Love Magic

Visualization was a fundamental aspect of Egyptian love magic. The ancient Egyptians understood that the mind was a powerful tool for manifesting desires. Through visualization, they aimed to create a vivid mental image of their desires, allowing the energy of the universe to align with their intentions. Here’s how you can incorporate visualization into your Egyptian love magic practice:

  1. Quiet and Focused Space: Find a quiet, peaceful space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and clear your mind of distractions.
  2. Meditative State: Enter a meditative state by focusing on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, imagine a sense of calm and tranquility enveloping you.
  3. Mental Image: Begin to create a mental image of the love you desire. Visualize yourself in a loving, fulfilling relationship. Imagine the feelings, the warmth, and the happiness associated with that relationship.
  4. Detail-Oriented: Pay attention to the details in your visualization. See the smile on your partner’s face, feel the love and affection exchanged, and experience the joy of being together.
  5. Emotional Connection: As you visualize, allow yourself to experience the emotions associated with being in love. Feel the love, passion, and contentment in your heart.
  6. Affirmations: While in this meditative state, repeat positive affirmations related to love. For example, you might say, “Love flows to me easily and abundantly” or “I am deserving of a loving and fulfilling relationship.”
  7. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the love you are manifesting. Thank the universe for bringing love into your life and for the happiness it will bring.


The ancient Egyptians possessed a deep understanding of love, magic, and the power of visualization. Their use of charms and amulets, combined with the practice of visualization, was a powerful means to enhance love, create lasting romantic relationships, and maintain a sense of balance in the universe.

Do wiccan love spells really work?

In this article, we will explore the world of Wicca, delve into the magical properties of tourmaline and cinnamon, and provide a step-by-step guide to perform a love spell that may help you manifest love and positive relationships in your life. You can find more information about spells at https://magical-rituals.com

I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell

Wicca love spell

Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion that was developed in the mid-20th century. It draws inspiration from various ancient pagan and folk traditions, as well as the works of influential figures like Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente. Wiccans, who follow the spiritual path of Wicca, believe in a balance of nature and strive to live in harmony with the Earth and its cycles. They also work with the energies of the universe to create positive changes in their lives, including in the realm of love.

Tourmaline: The Stone of Love

Tourmaline is a beautiful gemstone that comes in various colors and is often associated with love, protection, and energy purification. In the context of love spells, pink and green tourmaline are particularly popular. Here’s why tourmaline is revered for its role in love magic:

  1. Love Amplification: Pink tourmaline is known for its strong connection to the heart chakra. It is believed to amplify feelings of love, compassion, and emotional healing, making it an ideal stone to use in love spells.
  2. Emotional Balance: Green tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra as well. It is believed to promote emotional balance, fostering healthy and loving relationships. Green tourmaline can help clear emotional blocks and negative patterns.
  3. Protection: Tourmaline, in general, is considered a protective stone. Love spells often call for protection from negative energies or interference, and tourmaline can help provide this shield.

Cinnamon: The Spice of Love

Cinnamon is a fragrant spice derived from the inner bark of trees belonging to the Cinnamomum genus. Its warm, sweet scent is known to evoke feelings of comfort and romance. In magical practices, cinnamon is often used for love spells and rituals due to its association with the following attributes:

  1. Passion: Cinnamon is thought to ignite passion and desire. It can enhance physical attraction and stimulate the senses.
  2. Attraction: The sweet, enticing aroma of cinnamon is believed to draw love and positive energies towards the spell caster, making it a common ingredient in love rituals.
  3. Warmth: Cinnamon represents warmth, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. It can be used to heat up a relationship, rekindle lost love, or create a loving atmosphere.

A Step-by-Step Wicca Love Spell with Tourmaline and Cinnamon

Now that we’ve explored the magical properties of tourmaline and cinnamon, let’s outline a simple love spell that combines these two powerful elements to help manifest love or strengthen an existing relationship. Before you begin, ensure that you are in a calm, focused state of mind and that your intentions are pure and positive.

Materials Needed:

  1. Pink or green tourmaline crystal (or a piece of tourmaline jewelry).
  2. Ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick.
  3. A red or pink candle.
  4. A small piece of paper and a pen.
  5. A fire-safe dish.
  6. A quiet, private space.


  1. Casting a Sacred Circle: Begin by casting a protective circle around yourself. This circle serves as a barrier to keep unwanted energies out and the focused energy within. You can do this by visualizing a circle of white or pink light surrounding you, extending above and below.
  2. Lighting the Candle: Place the red or pink candle in the center of your circle. Light it, and as you do, state your intention for the spell, such as, “I open my heart to love and invite love into my life.”
  3. Writing Your Desire: Take the piece of paper and pen, and write down your specific desire for love or the relationship you want to strengthen. Be clear and concise. Fold the paper once, and hold it in your hands, infusing it with your intent.
  4. Energizing the Tourmaline: Hold the tourmaline in your dominant hand. Close your eyes, and visualize a bright pink or green light radiating from your heart and surrounding the tourmaline. Imagine this light filling the crystal with love energy.
  5. Cinnamon Offering: Take the cinnamon and sprinkle it around the candle, creating a circle of cinnamon powder. As you do this, say, “Cinnamon, spice of love, draw love to me.”
  6. Invoking the Elements: Call upon the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to assist in your spell. Visualize each element as a source of love energy that can help manifest your desire.
  7. Burning Your Desire: Hold the folded paper over the candle flame (be cautious not to burn yourself) and allow it to catch fire. Place the burning paper in the fire-safe dish. As it burns, say, “By the power of fire, my love is ignited.”
  8. Charging the Tourmaline: Pass the tourmaline through the flame of the candle three times, saying, “With this flame, I charge this crystal with love’s light.”
  9. Closing the Circle: Thank the elements for their assistance, and visualize the protective circle around you dissolving.
  10. Release and Trust: Blow out the candle and release the energy into the universe, trusting that your intention will be heard and manifest in its own time.


Love spells are a way for those who practice Wicca to harness the powerful energies of the universe to attract or strengthen love in their lives. The use of tourmaline, a stone of love and protection, and cinnamon, the spice of love and passion, can amplify the effectiveness of such spells. Remember that while love spells can be a beautiful way to enhance love, they should always be used responsibly and with good intentions, respecting the free will of others.

Effective love binding spells really work

Throughout history, various cultures and belief systems have employed rituals and practices to invoke the power of love and attraction. Love magic, a form of sympathetic magic, uses symbolic tools and rituals to manifest romantic desires and deepen existing bonds. One such magical practice involves the use of white candles and photos, enabling practitioners to focus their intentions and energy on the object of their affection. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of love magic with white candles and photos, delving into the symbolism, rituals, and ethical considerations associated with this ancient practice. You can find more information about spells at https://magical-rituals.com

I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell

The Symbolism of White Candles

White candles hold a special place in the realm of magic due to their pure, serene, and neutral nature. White is often associated with clarity, healing, and purity. In the context of love magic, white candles symbolize the intention to attract pure, genuine, and unconditional love. They serve as a blank canvas upon which practitioners can imprint their desires, as well as a conduit for the universal energies that surround us.

When working with white candles in love magic, it’s essential to cleanse and consecrate them before the ritual to remove any residual energies and infuse them with your own intentions. This can be done through prayer, visualization, or by passing them through the smoke of cleansing herbs like sage or palo santo.

Using Photos in Love Magic

Photographs are powerful tools in love magic as they capture the essence and energy of the person they represent. In love spells, photographs serve as a direct connection to the individual on whom you wish to focus your romantic intentions. This connection is believed to enhance the effectiveness of the spell by providing a tangible and personal link to the person you desire.

When selecting a photo for love magic, choose one that prominently features the face of the person in question. The more genuine and recent the photograph, the better. It is also recommended to use a copy of the photo rather than the original, as the copy can be safely included in the spell without concern for damage.

Love Magic Ritual with White Candles and Photos

Performing love magic with white candles and photos involves a structured ritual that aligns your intentions and energy with the universal forces of attraction. Below is a step-by-step guide to a simple love spell using these tools:

  1. Set the Mood:
    • Choose a quiet, undisturbed space for your ritual.
    • Arrange the necessary tools, including a white candle, the photograph, a small dish, and any additional love correspondences like rose petals or essential oils.
  2. Cast a Sacred Circle:
    • Visualize a protective circle of white light around you to keep out negative energies.
    • You can call upon your deities, guides, or guardian spirits to assist and protect you during the ritual.
  3. Cleanse and Consecrate:
    • Light the white candle and pass it through the cleansing smoke of herbs or incense.
    • Hold the photograph in your hands and focus on your intention, imbuing the image with your love and desire.
  4. Recite Incantation or Prayer:
    • Speak words of love, attraction, and intention, addressing the universal energies and the person in the photograph.
    • Be sincere and heartfelt in your words.
  5. Affix the Photo to the Candle:
    • With a small amount of melted wax from the candle, attach the photograph to the candle.
    • As you do so, visualize your love and intention growing stronger.
  6. Let the Candle Burn:
    • Allow the candle to burn for a specific period each day, focusing your thoughts on your desired outcome.
    • Ensure safety precautions are taken when leaving a candle unattended.
  7. Release and Trust:
    • When the spell is complete, release the attachment to the outcome and trust the universe to bring about the best possible result.


Love magic with white candles and photos is a captivating practice that taps into the universal forces of attraction. It combines the pure energy of white candles with the personal connection provided by photographs to create a potent tool for focusing intentions and manifesting love. When used responsibly and ethically, this form of love magic can be a beautiful way to draw love and affection into your life or strengthen the bonds of existing relationships. Remember that love should always be treated with reverence and respect, both in magic and in life.

Voodoo love spells that work

The quest for love and romantic connection has been a timeless pursuit, inspiring individuals to explore various enchanting practices throughout history. Love magic, an age-old mystical art, often incorporates candles and meditation to manifest and amplify the power of love. In this article, we will embark on a journey into the world of love magic with a silver candle and meditation, uncovering the symbolism, methods, and transformative potential they offer for attracting love and enhancing romantic connections. If you want to find out more visit https://magical-rituals.com

I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell

The Symbolism of a Silver Candle:

Candles, steeped in symbolism and used in spiritual and magical practices around the world, play a crucial role in love magic. The choice of a silver candle holds a special significance:

  1. Illuminating Love: Silver represents illumination and reflection. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, a silver candle reflects the desire to illuminate the path to love and romance.
  2. Emotional Clarity: The silvery glow is associated with emotional clarity, inner wisdom, and intuition. It reminds us that love requires a deep understanding of our own emotions and the emotions of others.
  3. Sensitivity and Sensuality: Silver is often linked to the moon, and it resonates with sensitivity and sensuality. It encourages an exploration of the sensual and emotional aspects of love and connection.

Using Meditation in Love Magic:

Meditation is a practice that encourages self-reflection, inner peace, and mindfulness. In love magic, meditation serves several essential purposes:

  1. Self-Exploration: Meditation allows you to explore your own thoughts, feelings, and desires, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your needs and wants in love.
  2. Alignment with Love: It helps align your inner energy with the intention to attract love and romance, creating a harmonious and magnetic energy that draws love toward you.
  3. Visualizing Love: Meditation enables you to visualize the type of love and connection you wish to attract, making it easier to manifest in your life.

A Simple Love Spell with a Silver Candle and Meditation:

Here’s a straightforward love spell that combines a silver candle and meditation to manifest love and enhance your romantic connections:


  • A silver candle
  • A lighter or matches
  • A quiet and comfortable space
  • A comfortable seat or cushion


  1. Begin by finding a peaceful and quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. This can be indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference.
  2. Place the silver candle on a stable surface in front of you. Sit comfortably and take a few deep, calming breaths to center yourself.
  3. Light the silver candle. As you do so, visualize the soft, silvery glow illuminating your path to love and radiating an aura of emotional clarity and sensuality.
  4. Close your eyes and begin your meditation. Focus on your breath and let go of any distractions or worries. Imagine a warm, soft light surrounding you, symbolizing love and protection.
  5. Visualize the type of love and connection you wish to attract. Envision yourself in a loving and nurturing relationship, feeling the emotions, sensations, and happiness associated with it.
  6. As you meditate, repeat positive affirmations related to love and self-worth. These affirmations should be in the present tense, such as “I am worthy of love,” “I am ready for a loving relationship,” or “I am a magnet for love and connection.”
  7. Continue to meditate and visualize for at least 15-20 minutes, allowing the silvery glow of the candle to enhance the emotional clarity and sensuality of your meditation.
  8. When you feel ready, open your eyes, extinguish the candle, and express gratitude for the silvery energy that has infused your meditation.
  9. You can practice this love spell as often as you like, ideally at a consistent time each day or week. Consistency and intention are key to its effectiveness.


Love magic with a silver candle and meditation offers a profound and transformative journey toward self-discovery, emotional clarity, and love attraction. The symbolism of the silver candle, with its reflections and sensitivity, aligns perfectly with the practice of meditation to explore your inner world and manifest the love you desire. When practiced with ethical considerations, this love spell serves as a reminder that the path to love begins with self-exploration, self-love, and emotional clarity, which in turn illuminate the way to romantic connection and fulfillment.

Love spells that work reviews

The mystical world of love and romance has inspired humans to explore a variety of enchanting practices throughout history. Love magic is one such captivating endeavor, often incorporating candles and affirmations to manifest and enhance love in one’s life. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing realm of love magic with a golden candle and affirmations, exploring their symbolism, methods, and the transformative power they hold in the quest for self-love and attraction. If you want to find out more visit https://magical-rituals.com

I invite you to watch a video of casting a spell

The Symbolism of a Golden Candle:

Candles have played a significant role in rituals and magic across diverse cultures and time periods. When it comes to love magic, the choice of a golden candle holds specific significance:

  1. Illumination: Gold symbolizes illumination, enlightenment, and the warmth of love. It represents a radiant source of energy and positivity that can attract love and enhance one’s inner beauty.
  2. Self-Worth and Self-Love: Gold is often associated with self-worth and self-love. It serves as a reminder that we are valuable and deserving of love, both from others and from ourselves.
  3. Attraction and Magnetism: The golden candle is believed to amplify your magnetic energy, making you more appealing to potential partners and drawing love and positivity into your life.

Using Affirmations in Love Magic:

Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that, when repeated consistently, can reprogram your subconscious mind and help manifest your desires. In the context of love magic, affirmations serve several essential purposes:

  1. Shifting Your Mindset: Affirmations can transform negative beliefs about love, relationships, and self-worth into positive, empowering thoughts.
  2. Boosting Self-Confidence: They promote self-confidence and self-love, which are crucial for attracting and maintaining healthy, loving relationships.
  3. Alignment with Your Desires: Affirmations help align your thoughts and intentions with your desire for love, making it more likely that you will attract what you seek.

A Simple Love Spell with a Golden Candle and Affirmations:

Here’s a straightforward love spell that combines a golden candle and affirmations to manifest self-love and attract love into your life:


  • A golden candle
  • A lighter or matches
  • A quiet and comfortable space
  • A list of personalized love affirmations



Love magic with a golden candle and affirmations offers a powerful and transformative path to self-love and attraction. The symbolism of the golden candle, representing illumination, self-worth, and magnetism, aligns perfectly with the practice of positive affirmations to shift your mindset and manifest the love you desire. When approached with ethical considerations, this love spell serves as a reminder that love begins within ourselves and that our self-love and positivity are potent forces for attracting loving and fulfilling relationships into our lives.

What is an egyptian love spell?

The ancient Egyptians are known for their rich and diverse cultural practices, including their fascination with magic and mysticism. Among the many mystical rituals and spells, Egyptian love spells have captured the imagination of people for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Egyptian love spells, exploring their history, components, and the mystical beliefs that surround them. If you want to find out more visit https://magical-rituals.com

Ancient Egypt and Magic:

Ancient Egypt, with its vibrant civilization and belief in the supernatural, laid the foundation for various magical practices. Magic was an integral part of daily life and played a role in many aspects, including healing, protection, and love.

Magic was practiced by both priests and common people, with different types of magic, such as heka (the Egyptian word for magic) and amulets, being employed for various purposes. Love spells were one facet of Egyptian magic, used to attract love, strengthen relationships, and protect unions.

Key Beliefs and Deities:

Before exploring the components of Egyptian love spells, it is essential to understand some key beliefs and deities central to the practice of love magic in ancient Egypt:

  1. Goddess Hathor: Hathor, the cow-headed goddess, was closely associated with love, beauty, and music. She was often invoked in love spells and rituals, believed to have the power to bring love and joy into the lives of her devotees.
  2. Ankh Symbol: The ankh, a symbol resembling a cross with a loop at the top, was often used in love spells. It represented life and immortality and was believed to bring vitality and energy to the relationship.
  3. Cosmic Forces: The ancient Egyptians believed that cosmic forces and celestial bodies influenced human affairs, including matters of the heart. The movement of the stars and planets was thought to have a direct impact on love and relationships.

Components of Egyptian Love Spells:

Egyptian love spells were complex and multifaceted, combining words, symbols, and ritual actions to achieve their desired outcomes. Here are some common components of these ancient spells:


Egyptian love spells offer a fascinating glimpse into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was an integral part of daily life. These spells were rooted in a deep belief in deities, cosmic forces, and the power of symbolism. While they share similarities with modern love magic, they were guided by ethical principles that emphasized respect for free will and positive intentions.

Today, Egyptian love spells serve as a testament to the enduring human desire for love and connection. They remind us that the pursuit of love, guided by respect and positivity, has been a timeless and universal theme throughout history. While we may not use the same symbols and rituals as the ancient Egyptians, the essence of love and the quest for romantic enchantment continue to unite us across the ages.

What is a Wicca love spell?

Love spells are one of the most common and sought-after forms of magic within Wicca. However, before delving into the practice of love spells, it’s essential to understand the fundamental principles that guide Wiccan practitioners. This article explores the five principles of Wicca love spells, shedding light on the ethical, spiritual, and practical aspects of casting love spells in accordance with Wiccan beliefs. You can find more information about spells at https://magical-rituals.com

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  1. The Wiccan Rede: “An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will”

The Wiccan Rede, a fundamental ethical guideline in Wicca, encapsulates the principle that one’s actions should not harm others. It translates to “And it harm none, do what ye will.” This principle is particularly relevant when casting love spells, as it emphasizes the importance of consent, respect, and positive intentions. Love spells should never be used to manipulate or coerce someone against their will. Instead, they should be aimed at attracting and enhancing love between consenting individuals.

Practitioners of Wicca believe in the power of threefold return, also known as the Law of Three, which suggests that the energy and intentions put into a spell will return to the caster threefold. Thus, it’s imperative that love spells are cast with pure intentions, as any harm caused can have far-reaching consequences. Wiccan love spells, therefore, embody the idea of love being freely given and received, never forced or manipulated.

  1. The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction, a principle shared with various spiritual and metaphysical practices, holds that like attracts like. In the context of Wicca love spells, this principle suggests that the energy and intention you put into a spell should match the desired outcome. If you seek a loving and harmonious relationship, your spell should radiate love, kindness, and positivity.

Wiccans often utilize correspondences, such as herbs, crystals, colors, and symbols, to align their energies with their intentions. For love spells, common correspondences might include rose quartz for love, red candles for passion, and herbs like lavender and rosemary for romance. By harmonizing their energies with these elements, Wiccans aim to manifest the love they seek into their lives.

  1. Moon Phases and Timing

Wiccans believe that the moon’s phases and other astrological factors can influence the efficacy of their spells. The lunar cycle plays a significant role in the casting of love spells, with different phases carrying distinct energies. The most common phases for love spells are the waxing moon (when the moon is growing in illumination) and the full moon. These phases are believed to amplify the power of attraction and love.

The timing of love spells can also be influenced by other astrological factors, such as the position of Venus, the planet associated with love and beauty. Wiccans may choose specific days or hours that align with the astrological conditions most favorable for love and romance.

  1. The Power of Visualization and Meditation

Wiccan love spells often involve visualization and meditation as essential components of the casting process. Wiccans believe that by vividly imagining the desired outcome and connecting with the energies of the universe, they can enhance the effectiveness of their spells. Visualization allows the caster to focus their intention and energy on the specific love they seek to attract or strengthen.

Meditation is another key aspect of Wiccan love spells. It enables the practitioner to enter a state of heightened consciousness, connecting with their inner self and the universal energies. This meditative state is essential for maintaining concentration, raising energy, and channeling it into the spell. In love spells, meditation can also help individuals gain insight into their own desires and intentions, ensuring that they are in harmony with the Wiccan Rede.


Wicca love spells are guided by a set of principles that promote ethical and responsible use of magic to attract and enhance love in one’s life. These principles emphasize the importance of consent, the Wiccan Rede, the Law of Attraction, the moon phases and timing, the power of visualization and meditation, and personal responsibility and accountability. By adhering to these principles, Wiccans aim to cast love spells that align with their spiritual beliefs and create love that is both genuine and harmonious. Love, after all, is a powerful and sacred force in Wicca, and it should be treated with reverence and respect.

Why is Nigerian magic so dangerous?

Why is Nigerian magic so dangerous? –love spells reviews

Belief in witchcraft in Africa is strong and widespread. It influences thinking, understanding and interpretation of every phenomenon. It is no different in Nigeria.

Nigeria is located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. It is the most populous country on the map of the Black Continent. And Nigerians are one of the most religious nations in Africa. Most of them profess Christianity or Islam. But at the same time, most of them believe in witches turning into cats, ants and rats at night to do damage.

Belief in witchcraft

In Nigeria, exactly as in other African countries, belief in witchcraft is strong and unwavering. The sorcerer (mganga) enjoys social respect and trust. The mganga cures diseases, from malaria to AIDS, using herbs. He creates mysterious concoctions that guarantee good luck in love, the birth of crops, or the successful resolution of a particular matter. He can also deal with a charm cast by the “evil eye.” And all thanks to alleged arrangements with good spirits. But this kind of magic (called white magic) is one side of the coin. The other is darker. It is called black magic for a reason. And it is equally popular in Nigeria. A sorcerer who toils to bring disease and even death is called a mchawi. Nigerian youths want to improve their material status at any cost. The number of crimes committed in the name of the “will” of the mchwai in Nigeria is growing at an alarming rate. Young people are ready to do anything, even kill their father, mother or siblings, just to get the prosperity that mchawi promises them. They believe that the key to this is to make a human sacrifice as a gift to the omnipresent spirits, which is not true.

Tragic consequences of witchcraft accusations

Nigerians explain every event they don’t understand with witchcraft. The birth of a stillborn child, a cattle plague, an illness or the loss of a job is enough to start a search for a “scapegoat” who, in their eyes, was engaged in practicing black magic. And the victims of such accusations are most often elderly women or young children. Nigerians believe that only by eliminating designated people from society will one ensure protection from evil spirits and the protection of good spirits. Even two-year-old toddlers are accused of practicing black magic. Every day in Nigeria, 5-6 children fall victim to them. And the consequences are tragic. Children are tortured, mutilated and even murdered. What’s more, by their loved ones. The situation is aggravated by local pastors, who preach that the children may be the actual perpetrators of the misfortunes and have connivance with evil spirits. They offer to perform exorcisms. But only after paying for them in advance. And the prices for this service are horrendous for Nigerians. The average cost of an exorcism is equal to three months of their work. Hence, if an accusation of witchcraft is hurled at a child in their family, the parents just want to get rid of it.

Nigerian magic is dangerous not only in its “black” aspect. After all, blind faith in witchcraft, and consequently explaining even the most absurd situations with it, leads to the misery of hundreds of thousands of families.

The magic of order-cleansing the home atmosphere

The magic of order-cleansing the home atmosphere

Sometimes even in our own home we happen to feel uncomfortable, bad, as if something is bothering us. It may be that we have neglected our space recently or made changes that do not suit us. Home is not just a physical place, but an atmosphere built from small objects and the emotions they evoke.

While a bad atmosphere at home can be very unpleasant and disruptive, changing it is very simple. All we need to do is organize our space, and immediately our mood will improve as well. The best guideline to follow is ourselves, we will know perfectly well which changes we like and which we don’t. It is enough to look at a particular item to recognize what emotions it arouses in us. It also doesn’t matter if it was expensive or if it visually matches the decor, if it makes us feel uncomfortable with it, we should unscrupulously get rid of it.

When we furnish our apartment, we create a space that is ideal for us, after years of use, changes are made to it, not always beneficial. So when we start cleaning, let’s imagine our apartment as it should be, and then, opening our eyes, we will know what to change. Sometimes it’s not worth sticking to the original plan, because, after all, we ourselves are also changing. It’s possible that our poor mental comfort in the apartment is due to the fact that our space no longer suits us and needs to be adapted to us anew.

Let’s not forget that space is not only objects, but also people. The atmosphere can be spoiled even by brief visits, when the place is marked by its own problems. The most common case is when we live with a person or see each other very often, and then part ways. In such a situation, our space holds the memory of that person for a long time. It is then absolutely necessary to get rid of objects that remind us of that person – photos, clothes left behind, gifts. It probably won’t be easy, but having done this, we will finally feel free in our own home, as if invisible bonds have fallen from us.

We also need to get rid of the habit of hoarding. Claiming that something is still useful to us, even though we haven’t used it in years, or that an item will eventually be repaired by someone, is self-deception. Unwearable clothes, dusty books that are no longer returned to or failed gifts buried in corners should disappear from our space. If we don’t want to feel wasted we can give them away to those in need. Someone will surely be happy to use them, and we will not only clean up the space, but also feel the joy of committing a good deed.

Let’s not be afraid of the emptiness that may appear after removing unnecessary things – unfilled space is freedom, and strenuously filling it is very often a compensation for the fear of abandonment or of change inherent in us. By accumulating things we want to attach ourselves to reality, we are afraid to move forward without looking back. However, it is necessary to take the first step to finally gain a new perspective.

Let’s start clearing out the apartment with physical cleanup. First, let’s air them out, which is the basis for bringing a good atmosphere to the space. It’s also a good idea to hang bells by the window – they will ward off evil spirits and powers, and their sound will spread through the apartment acting as a soothing influence on the people in it. We can also use incense and walk with it throughout the house to cleanse it of evil energy, it is good to do this in case such a ritual has never been performed in that place before. Physical cleaning must be carried out very meticulously, it is good to wash out all the nooks and crannies, cabinets inside, so that the whole place is thoroughly reviewed and cleaned by us. While doing this let’s assist with visualization of our ideal apartment. Finally, let’s wash our hands well or take a shower so that our body is cleaned as well.

The next step is to summon positive energy into a space already cleansed and neutral. Bells as well as fresh air are helpful, but you can also help by using incense or scented oils. For decoration, we can also use candles, which, depending on their color, can help with rituals. Burning black candles will cleanse the house, blue candles will provide peace, and yellow candles, for example, will invoke good luck. It’s also a good idea to oil all the doors and check the seals, so that no sounds, resulting from the malfunction of a particular object, disturb the peace.

In arranging the space, the principles of feng shui will help us. Thanks to this, we will know how to position the various pieces of furniture to best fulfill their roles and bring us either solace or energy to work. Let’s imagine that the bed will stand in the place where we should work. This will make it impossible for us to fall asleep there, our sleep will be interrupted and we will be left tired when we wake up. The bed, on the other hand, or the entire bedroom in general, is a place we especially need to take care of. We will never get the inside track if we get a bad night’s sleep. It is a good idea to buy a new bed or even a new mattress. We arrange a bag with a mixture of calming herbs under it, and we oxidize it with burnt sage. Such a ritual will give us a peaceful sleep. Above the bed we can also hang a dream catcher, which will not let nightmares disturb our sleep. It can also serve as a decoration, because in the bedroom we should avoid pictures or too many decorations that would distract and stimulate us. In a situation where our apartment is small and one room has to serve more functions, it is good to demarcate the sleeping space in a certain way, by putting up, for example, a bookcase or a screen.

These small, not time-consuming, rituals will again ensure harmony in our home, and thus in our hearts. Cleanliness and order in the environment will have a soothing effect on our nerves. The principles of feng shui will guide how to arrange the space, but the most important criterion is ourselves. People differ and everyone perceives the ideal home differently. It is our feelings that must be the main criterion in arranging an apartment, and guided by them we are sure to find harmony.

A few words about the magic of stones

A few words about the magic of stones

Anyone who has encountered magic to any degree knows how much power various kinds of attributes have, especially gemstones. However, to use them correctly, it is necessary to know what capabilities they have. Both the purpose for which we need them and the zodiac sign of the person using them are important. Sometimes individual preferences are also important, one may have a stone that we have endowed with a special sentiment and thus became our amulet. Also, the gesture of gifting can make an object magical. By presenting a stone to someone with a sincere wish for luck and prosperity, our wishes become permanently inscribed in a particular artifact.

The popularity of stones as amulets is very high, as using them and drawing power from them is very simple. You can always carry such an amulet with you in the form of jewelry or a pendant. In this way, we will not have to endure the malicious remarks of skeptics, undermining the power of the stones and scoffing at our belief in them.

However, we should not worry about the opinion of skeptics, because they are not convinced even by studies proving the power of stones, not only in warding off misfortune and invoking luck, but also in healing. Numerous cultures use stones to heal and their effectiveness is a visible fact. Skeptics will not experience this, because what activates the power of stones is faith. One must use their power with sincere belief in it.

Gemstones, even for those who did not see them as having magical powers, represented the good that was desired. They were killed for them, cheated for them and ardently desired them. The more precious stones someone had, the more respected they were, considered powerful and worthy. This caused them to be equated with the success of their owners. Powdered ones were added to food so that whoever ate them would take on their beauty and power.

However, the consumption of stones is not necessary, and we can safely skip this method, but it is worth having the right stone with us at all times. If we have not yet found our amulet, we can choose it based on our zodiac sign or, even better, on our date of birth. This way, wherever we are, we can be sure that the stone will provide us with protection.